HBCA Representatives to the
Florida Home Builders Association

Ms. Christina Slate

Peay’s Electric

FHBA Area IV Vice President

Area Vice President duties include but are not limited to:

  • Represent the Space and Treasure Coasts on the FHBA Executive Committee, making recommendations on policy and funding matters to the FHBA Board of Directors.
  • Area Vice Presidents will stay in contact with local HBA Presidents and Executive Officers in their area on a monthly basis, soliciting ways that FHBA can be of assistance to them, or if there are any problems that the FHBA should be aware of. AVP also inquire about exciting news or events happening in their area of oversight so they can report them in the FHBAction News, Florida Home Builder magazine and fhba.com. 
  • Schedule an Area Meeting prior to each of FHBA’s three conferences. This meeting, to which Local Presidents, EOs and state directors are invited,  focuses on the issues that are likely to come up at the conference. 
  •  Conduct an Area Caucus at each FHBA’s three conferences, affording area associations to collective take positions on FHBA resolutions, share ideas with other HBAs in the area, and provide area feedback to the FHBA Executive Committee and Board of Directors. 

FHBA Board of Directors

The 2024 FHBA Board of Directors term began November 30, 2023, runs through November 2024.  FHBA Board of Director member responsibilities include attending all FHBA Conferences during the term.  

Responsibilities include but not limited to:

  • Attend FHBA’s three conferences, Spring Legislative Conference, Southeast Builders Show (SEBC), and the FHBA Fall Conference
  • Transact the general business of FHBA except that reserved to the membership by law and/or Charter and/or Bylaws 
  • Elect Officers
  • Establish the policies governing the affairs of FHBA
  • Receive reports of standing and special committees
  • Act as the governing body of FHBA

Mr. Mike Jaffe

Christopher Alan Homes

Local President

Mr. Aaron Schellhorn

Schellhorn Construction

Builder Director

Mr. Rich Maddalena

True Florida Homes

Builder Director

Ms. Courtney Barker

Local Land Company Florida

Alternate Builder Director

Larry Jarnes 4

Mr. Larry Jarnes

Northboro Builders

Alternate Builder Director

Mr. Neal Johnson

US Bank

 Associate Director

Mr. Terry Locke

TD Bank

Associate Director

Mr. Anthony Bogo

Atlantic Tile Distribution

Alternate Associate Director

Ms. Christina Slate

Peay’s Electric

Alternate Associate Director

Ms. Natasha Spencer

Shelter Mortgage

Life Director

FHBA Associates / Trades Council

  • The Council’s mission is to facilitate consistent communications between FHBA and its local HBAs.
  • The Area Vice Presidents Council consists of seven Builder Vice Presidents and seven Associate Vice Presidents representing the seven Areas within FHBA.

Ms. Christina Slate

Peay’s Electric

Trade Member Appointment

Mr. Anthony Bogo

Atlantic Tile Distribution

Associate Member Appointment

FHBA Government Affairs Committee

  • The Governmental Affairs Steering Committee is responsible for developing, recommending (to the FHBA Board of Directors) and implementing the Association’s legislative policies.
  • During the legislative session and key interim committee weeks, the Governmental Affairs Committee meets via conference call to receive reports from FHBA lobbyists and provide direction when needed.
  • The legislative agenda and Governmental Affairs Policies are recommended by the Governmental Affairs Committee and adopted by the FHBA Board of Directors to serve as the framework for specific legislative positions.
  • Between meetings of the Board, decisions to support, support with amendment or oppose legislation shall be made by the President of the FHBA with majority vote of the Senior Officers where practical.
  • The Board of Directors of the Florida Home Builders Association are solely responsible for setting the policy of the Association.

Mr. Bruce Moia

MBV Engineering

Voting Representative

Mr. Mike Jaffe

Christopher Alan Homes

Alternate Member

FHBA Nominating Committee

  •  The Nominating Committee shall meet prior to each FHBA Board of Directors meeting to review nominations.
  • The Nominating Committee shall only submit to the Board of Directors the names of candidates who have complied with the “Campaign Rules and Practices” approved by the Board of Directors.
  • “Campaign Rules and Practices” shall contain a definition of eligibility section specific for each elective office of the Florida Home Builders Association.
  • The Nominating Committee shall canvass the membership, shall solicit and consider recommendations, and shall nominate at least one candidate for each office to be filled unless otherwise set forth in these Bylaws.
  • The Nominating Committee may resolve questions relating to the nomination of candidates, suggest rules of procedure for the elections to the Board of Directors, and upon direction of the President, perform other appropriate duties.


Ms. Natasha Spencer

Shelter Mortgage

FHBA Membership Committee

  • The Membership Committee serves as a resource to Affiliated Local Associations in recruiting and retaining members.
  • The Committee should interact with the Membership Committee and staff of NAHB, as appropriate.
  • The decisions and recommendations of the Membership Committee are of an advisory nature only and are not binding on FHBA or the FHBA Board of Directors. All actions of the Membership Committee must be ratified by the Executive Committee and Board of Directors.
  • The Committee will be comprised of a Chair appointed by the FHBA President, a Vice Chair appointed by the FHBA President on the recommendation of the FHBA First Vice President/Treasurer, and one designated representative from each Affiliated Local Association in Florida.

Ms. Christina Slate

Peay’s Electric

State Committee Chairperson

Mr. Bob DiBella

OMNI Resource Group

Voting Representative

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